
Training for Cleaning Workers Day 2

I am truly grateful for 28 years of being supported by cheerful and energetic staff! Thanks! This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Training Day 1 for Cleaning Workers

Cleaning worker training The first day of Corona, we were unable to gather for two years, but this year we were able to hold it by renting a venue. At the Long Service Award, we were impressed by the number of people who received more than 25 years and more than 20 years and more than 15 years, and 76 people over 70 years old for more than 10 years. Everyone who protects the site on a daily basis is an asset of Tech Supply. thanks❗️thank❗️thank❗️Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Mukoyodai Junior High School Work Experience

Today, four students from Koyodai Junior High School in Chitose City and their accompanying teacher came to Tech Supply.❗️I also tried to make a bet.〜The students are cheerful, smart, and full of humor, and I can't stop laughing. Let's chemically recycle PET bottles and aim for world peace from bottle to bottle! Do you know the mayor of Chitose City? There was a child who declared that he would be the mayor of Chitose City in the future. How reliable❣️I hope something stays in your heart.❣️Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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There are no limits to life

"Chichi" May issue - There is no limit to life - I was moved by Mr. Masao Muto's challenging life. After graduating from university, while working at Hakuhodo, he developed the intractable disease ALS, accepted shock, founded the general incorporated association WITH ALS, and used the power of creativity to take on the challenge of solving ALS problems based on "creating a borderless society where everyone can take on challenges in their own way." I regretted that I was still sweet. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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20th Anniversary Award✨

We celebrated the 20th anniversary of their service! Security Department Takashi KamiBuilding Maintenance Department Yu ToyodaPlease take care of your body and help us even more.❣️We are blessed with great employees and a happy tech supply.✨#100Year Going Ahead #Making Employees HappyDX Promoting #Staff FamilyLanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Good Comments❣️


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It's delicious, I'm happy.〜(^^)/


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If you're prepared, don't worry.‼️

充電難民には もうなりません‼️⭕️防災非常用電源BPSなんと『無償キャンペーン』✨〜3/31まで🔵お問合せは、テックサプライ 幡まで❣️ご連絡お待ちしています(^^)Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Mondetsu Racecourse successfully finished

2021年 門別競馬場 開催が 11月4日で無事終えることが出来ました。多くのスタッフさんと本社スタッフで、頑張りました。3月末まで、お仕事は続きますが、まずひと段落いたしました。11月3日、 偶然 鈴木知事も門別競馬場に視察に来ておりました。お写真撮らせて頂きました〜deep emotion❣️Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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